Monthly, September - April 7-8:30pm Suggested donation: $120-160 ($15-20 per session) Facilitated by Carment Horst
The Enneagram is a personality type system of nine interconnected personality types. It provides an amazingly accurate picture of personality in terms of the patterns associated with the way we function. (Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy)
We will read Beatrice Chestnut’s book, The Complete Enneagram (and/or another book, based on the experience and interest of the group). In addition to supportive group discussions on the book content, we will incorporate practices of self-observation and reflection.
Participants will:
learn about subtypes and other newer enneagram theory ;
deepen their understanding of their own personality patterns and how to loosen their grip on daily life and relationships;
connect with others who are using the enneagram as a tool for growth.
This group will work best for adults who have a basic understanding of the Enneagram, and are interested in deepening self-awareness through the Enneagram in the context of a supportive group. This will be a closed group for the duration of the school year. Registration is limited to 8 adults.
When: Second Tuesdays of the month: Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 15 (not the second Tuesday) 7-8:30pm. Where: Pathways Retreat Facilitator: Carmen Horst
Carmen S. Horst has been studying and using the Enneagram since 1992 for personal growth, and as a spiritual director since 2010. She has learned from the work of many Enneagram teachers, particularly Richard Rohr, Russ Hudson, and Beatrice Chestnut. She pastors at Walnut Hill Mennonite Church (Goshen, IN) and is a graduate of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary.