Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for Rest, Reflection and Renewal.
A Place to Rest Pathways Retreat is a 17-acre natural setting offering rest, silence, solitude, and peace in creation. Rest is waiting in shady, wooded paths, on smooth wooden benches, in lush meditative gardens, and along the bends of a contemplative labyrinth walk. Here, there are many opportunities to be still.
A Place for Reflection Pathways Retreat is a place to reflect on the path of one’s life journey and attend to one’s spirituality. Individuals are welcome to reflect in solitude as desired. Spiritual companionship is also available in the form of Spiritual Direction.
A Place for Renewal Resting and reflecting on one’s life path often leads to deepened relationships with God, self, others, and creation. When one honors the balance between work and rest, new vision and inner resources are found, bringing healthier daily living.