Fridays Feb. 24, March 3, 10, 17 and 24 online April 7 in-person at Pathways 1:30-3pm
Cost: $180 for 6 sessions Facilitator: Dawn Stegelmann
Broken and New What is broken in life often cannot be repaired. It’s about finding new ways to bring together the broken pieces to create a stronger story. In these times of deconstruction and unknowing, there are opportunities to take those pieces and begin creating something new, even if we don’t yet know what that’s going to be.
Using nature and our personal narratives as inspiration, join this weekly Lenten journey and explore where you may have an emerging sense of belonging and of offering yourself and your gifts to God’s beloved world. Led by the Rev. Dawn Stegelmann, each gathering will include a time of teaching, reflection and spiritual exercise prompts.
Facilitator: The Rev. Dawn Stegelmann is an Episcopal priest, retreat leader, spiritual director and an adjunct professor at The General Theological Seminary’s Center for Christian Spirituality in NewYork City. She has served parishes in Connecticut and is a past coordinator of the Annand Program for Spiritual Formation at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, where she received her M.Div. She received at S.T.M. in Spiritual Direction from General. She spends her summers in Indiana where lake life and family gatherings nourish her soul.