Listening Together at Pathways is a Wisdom Practice Group that meets each Monday from 7-8:30 pm.
At Listening Together we practice text centered chant and embodied prayer, Centering Prayer, and an hour of Friends Worship Sharing OR we center on a book study in a lectio kind of mode. We meet at Pathways Retreat, 309 1/2 Hackett Road, Goshen, IN 46528, when community health allows. Otherwise we meet via Zoom. Nina Lanctot hosts this group.
THIS GROUP WILL RESUME MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2021. We plan to offer a Zoom series on the Mondays of January and February open to wider participation.
This is an open group. We support Pathways through our donations.
For more information and Zoom links, please contact Nina B Lanctot - 574-361-9536
Facilitated by:
Nina Lanctot has attended two Wisdom Schools with Cynthia Bourgeault and is also strongly influenced by the teaching of Richard Rohr. She is the former pastor of Florence Church of the Brethren Mennonite and a spiritual director.
For more information contact Nina B Lanctot -- 574 361 9536