On Easter Sunday, April 20, through the 50 days of Easter, seven Stations of the Resurrection will be placed along the trail in our 17-acre woods. These stations mark the risen Christ’s appearances from dawn of the first Easter morning through Pentecost.
These stations are ceramic tiles made from watercolor paintings by local artist and spiritual director, Sylvie Gudin. In addition to the ceramic tile, scripture and reflections accompany each station. This walk through the woods appeals to all ages—children, youth, and adults. Stations of the Resurrection note cards are available for purchase by contacting one of our staff. The cost is $20-25 for the set of seven. |
Our long-time tradition of the Station of the Cross and Resurrection will be available along the 0.6 mile main loop trail in the Pathways woods.
Visitors are welcome to visit the stations and walk the trails anytime from dawn to dusk There is no cost to walk the stations; however, donations made online or placed in the donation box attached to the retreat house, are gratefully received. |